Over 70 Georgia Faith Leaders Proclaim “Voting is Sacred” Amid News of Rampant Voter Suppression
October 18, 2018
Michelle Nealy, mnealy@faithinpubliclife.org, (202) 735-7123
Graham Younger, gyounger@faithinpubliclife.org, (678) 739-8584
Over 70 Georgia Faith Leaders Proclaim “Voting is Sacred” Amid News of Rampant Voter Suppression
Atlanta, Ga. -- After the news broke that 53,000 Georgians who attempted to register to vote were blocked from doing so, more than 70 Georgia faith leaders issued a statewide open letter proclaiming that voting is a sacred act that must not be infringed upon.
“As people of faith, we deeply value the American principle of one person, one vote. Although we come from many faith traditions and have different political views, we all agree: voting is a sacred act and should not be infringed,” the letter states. “We are deeply troubled by reports that the Secretary of State’s Office has erected barriers to voting. We are raising our voices together to denounce this silencing of the voices that need to be heard the most. In this moment, we cannot be silent.”
According to analysis of records obtained by the Associated Press, the blocked registrations disproportionately impact African Americans, Latinos and Asian Americans. Even more troubling are reports that Secretary of State Brian Kemp, who is also the Republican candidate for governor, purged the voting rolls of over 670,000 registered voters in 2017.
To view the full list of signers, click here.
Faith in Public Life is a strategy center for the faith community advancing faith in the public square as a powerful force for justice, compassion and the common good.