National Faith Leader Denounces Passage of Immoral Tax Plan
December 20, 2017
Michelle Nealy,, (202)735-7123
Mackenzie Harris,, (610)283-8879
National Faith Leader Denounces Passage of Immoral Tax Plan
Washington, D.C. -- The Republican Congress passed massive tax cuts for corporations and the richest 1% by penalizing struggling families and the middle class. The final text from the conference committee was released the Friday before the vote. The bill goes to President Trump who is expected to sign it very soon.
Rev. Jennifer Butler, CEO of Faith in Public Life, and the former chair of the White House Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships to Address Poverty and Inequality responded:
“As a pastor, I condemn this immoral tax plan. This bill makes the wealthy richer by making life harder for families who can barely afford to put food on the table. That is wrong. Jesus says whatever we do to the least of these, we also do unto him. With this bill, Republican lawmakers have turned their backs on Christ.”
Faith in Public Life Action Fund is a strategy center for the faith community advancing faith in the public square as a powerful force for justice, compassion and the common good.