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About the Book

In Who Stole My Bible?, you will see the Bible’s liberative story arc from Genesis to Revelation through my reimagined stories of pivotal points in the history of God’s people. These stories are grounded in biblical scholarship, and each chapter connects a key turning point in the Bible to America today. Each chapter concludes with inspiring movement stories that connect each Bible passage to faithful strategies for resisting tyranny. 

I will guide you by: leading you through the Bible, touching on various periods when God’s people were called upon to resist despotic leaders in public and religious sectors; showing you how God inspired and equipped you for fighting oppression, pushing against egotistical rulers, and ensuring equality; teaching proper historical and cultural context of the Bible to mirror for you where the same discord is happening in the world today and how the Bible shows you the way out.

My hope is that this book will be more than just a motivational tool, that it will serve as a handbook—a How To resource—that will show you how to ground yourself in scripture and prepare strategically to defy the Pharaohs and Caesars of our day and age.


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About the Author

JB author bio

Jennifer is the founding executive director of Faith in Public Life and the former chair of the White House Council on Faith and Neighborhood Partnerships. Before leading FPL, Jennifer spent ten years working in the field of international human rights representing the Presbyterian Church (USA) at the United Nations and is an ordained minister. 


While mobilizing religious communities to address the AIDS pandemic and advocating for women’s rights, she grew passionate about the need to counter religious extremism with a strong religious argument for human rights. 

Out of that experience she wrote Born Again: The Christian Right Globalized, which was published by University of Michigan Press. That book calls for a progressive religious response to Religious Right efforts to take the culture wars global.

Jennifer served in the Peace Corps from 1989 to 1991 in a Mayan village in Belize, Central America, where she discovered she was a community organizer at heart. A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, she also studied public policy and community organizing and graduated with a MSW from Rutgers University. She’s a graduate of the College of William and Mary.

When not dreaming up ways to amplify a social justice faith voice, Jennifer loves camping, hiking, and biking with her family.

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